Health Insurance

Health Insurance:

Information for students with Polish citizenship or the Polish Card holders.

International students must also have health insurance coverage while studying in Poland.

The following documents are accepted as insurance proof:
1. commercial health insurance
2. contract or a confirmation from the Polish National Health Fund (in Polish: NFZ – Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia)
3. the European Health Insurance Card – EHIC (in polish: EKUZ – Europejska Karta Ubezpieczenia Zdrowotnego)

EU or EFTA Citizens

1. You should be insured in Poland based on your country’s European Health Insurance Card.
2. If you don’t have it, your parent should register you in your home country as a family member.

When you arrive in Poland, you should choose a family doctor at a clinic that has a contract with the Polish National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia – NFZ). You will be entitled to free health services, but this does not include preventive health care (e.g. vaccinations). You should complete the required vaccinations before arriving in Poland (if applicable).

Non-EU Citizens

Commercial health insurance

1. If you apply for D- type national visa, you must purchase adequate health insurance.

It is medical travel insurance whose coverage amounts to not less than EUR 30,000, and covering all expenses that may arise in connection with the need to return for medical reasons, a medical emergency, urgent hospitalisation or death, or medical insurance within the meaning of Polish regulations on health care benefits financed out of public funds.

Information about this insurance can be found on the consulate’s website between the visa requirements.
Information of the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the insurers and the insurances that they offer, which meet the necessary conditions referred to in Article 25 (1) (2) (a) and Article 25 (1b) of the Act of 12 December 2013 on Foreigner

If the health insurance policy is constructed in another language than Polish or English, a sworn translation of this document must be done.

2. Similar insurance can be obtained by those applying for a Temporary Residence Permit.

Insurance in the Polish National Health Fund

International students may purchase insurance from the Polish National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia – NFZ) by signing an agreement with NFZ.

The student pays the contributions. The monthly cost of such insurance for students is around 55,80 PLN (13 EUR).

Foreigners insured in NFZ are treated equally to Polish citizens and have the same access to health care benefits and the financing of these benefits.

Please note:
You are only covered by health insurance on the date specified in your contract with the NFZ. You must be in Poland to sign such a contract. You should purchase other insurance until this insurance starts.
The insurance ends on the contract’s termination date or in the month when you fail to pay the contribution.

The steps to obtain insurance in the Polish National Health Fund:

1. Sign up an agreement with NFZ (National Health Fund – “Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia“)

2. Register this agreement in any ZUS (The Social Insurance Institution – “Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych") branch.
Only this step confirms the application for health insurance in the National Health Fund.
ZUS provides the account number to which the student must pay monthly contributions.
The confirmation of the insurance is the ZUZ ZZA form and proof of the payment of the last contribution. 

3. Deliver proof of insurance to the Dean’s Office.

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